and corrections

and corrections

of translations

Corrections by
a native speaker


of translations

Corrections by
a native speaker


Revisions and corrections

Revision involves the checking of a translation by another translator. The objective is to check whether the contents and meaning of the translation agree with the source text. Revision is recommended if you are not sure about the quality of a translation or if the text is very specialised and demanding.

Correction is a language and stylistic check of a text by a native speaker of a given language. The corrector checks the translation and corrects any grammatical errors and stylistic shortcomings. Correction is recommended especially if you wish to publish or present a translated text to the public.

Last but not least, we also offer prepress correction, which is done for a document intended for printing and subsequent publication. It is the final check before printing and is aimed at detecting any typographical errors.

Please note: We do not accept texts from automatic translators for correction!

Revisions of translations

Revision involves the checking of a translation by another translator. The objective is to check whether the contents, meaning and linguistic aspects agree with the source text. The reviser checks whether any part of the text is not omitted in the translation, whether the used terminology is correct, whether the meaning of the translation agrees with the source text, whether the translation does not contain any grammatical errors and whether it is written in an appropriate style for its purpose.

This person must not only have a very good command of the source and target languages, but must also understand the concerned topic.
Revision also means checking and updating a translation so that it agrees with an updated source text. If you make any changes in the source text, no matter whether or not they are marked, the changes must also be made in the translation.
Revision is recommended if you are not sure about the quality of a translation or if you know that a translation was not done by a professional translator or if a translation is very specialised or demanding.

Correction by a native speaker

Correction is a language and stylistic check of a text by a native speaker of a given language. As part of the correction, the native speaker checks the translation and corrects any grammatical errors and stylistic shortcomings.
The native speakers that make the corrections do not necessarily have to be translators and do not have to have a command of the source language from which the translation was made.
Linguistic correction by a native speaker is recommended especially if the target group for which a translation is intended is native speakers of the given language. This relates especially to the translations of websites, promotional, advertising and marketing materials, translations of articles, books and printed materials, etc.

Prepress correction

Prepress correction involves the final check of a document prior to printing or publication. This includes the checking and correction of typographical errors that might have arisen during typesetting, as well as formatting, text wrapping, the splitting of words at the end of lines, text completeness, inserted images, used characters, diacritical marks, etc.
Prepress correction is always recommended if you are going to print a document, for the simple reason that errors in printed materials cannot be corrected any more.
Prepress correction is recommended for documents written in languages using a different type of script, such as Russian, Ukrainian, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese or Vietnamese.


Čéčova 625/26
370 04, České Budějovice

(+420) 723 445 552
