Revisions and corrections
Revisions and corrections
Revisions and corrections
The price of revisions and corrections is set on the basis of the number of standard pages (SP) of the final translated or corrected text. One SP has 1800 characters including spaces.
Where CAT (computer-aided translation) tools are used for a translation, including a translation memory, the price of the translation is based on the number of words of the final translated text.
The price of a translation not only depends on the language combination, but also on the specialisation and on how demanding the text to be translated is, as well as on its graphic design and final form.
In addition to the check by the translator, the price of a translation also includes a check by the project manager, which consists of a basic check of the spelling, figures, graphic design and completeness of the translation.
Correction/revision of texts in Czech or Slovak
From 144 CZK/SP*
Correction/revision of texts in common European languages (e.g. English, German, Polish, Russian, French, Italian or Spanish)
From 198 CZK/SP*
Correction/revision of texts in less common languages (e.g. Dutch, Swedish, Arabic or Vietnamese)
From 270 CZK/SP*
* All quoted prices are ex VAT.